Sony TC-50

1 9 6 8 1968
1 9 7 4 1974

An exceptional Cassette-Corder which could be carried everywhere, truly everywhere.

The TC-50 wasn't Sony first cassette recorder but it was Sony's first Walkman or, more precisely, it was the first "I'll soon be Walking on the moon Man" : with the Apollo 10 mission, the TC-50 went near the moon in may 1969.

It wasn't a specially crafted recorder like the tweaked Hasselblads that went up there as well : that TC-50 was a production unit, with the Sony D-201 motor, exactly like those one could buy to walk in one's garden.

And if actually walking on the moon was for the next Apollo mission, if the Dark Side of the Moon was yet to be discovered -and recorded-, Sony was there, at every step.

Holding the TC-50 is Eugene A. Cernan, Lunar Module Pilot ; behind him is John W. Young, Command Module Pilot.

Sony TC-50, image 1 Sony TC-50, image 2 Sony TC-50, image 3
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