Sony RM-50

1 9 7 9 1979
1 9 8 2 1982

A common practice at Sony : make something which is advertised at length for a host of available recorders... not available.
Or so little. If you're lucky.
Call me back next month.
Christmas perhaps ?
Next year then ?

The RM-50 is the optional wired remote control for the TC-K88B, TC-FX1010, TC-K80, TC-K77R, TC-K75, TC-K65, TC-K55, TC-K71, TC-FX6, TC-FX7, TC-FX600, TC-FX66, TC-K555, TC-K777, TC-V7, TC-YX7 - and ten or twenty others.

Most of these recorders sold like hotcakes, worldwide, but regarding the oh-so desired RM-50, that's... another story.

Like the TAC cabinets made for the ESPRIT series or the pretty enclosures made for TA-F55 / ST-J55 couple. They were made allright ! They were also advertised, yes. But why oh why, may I ask, would you want one ?

So -
Either you know the best friend's sister's cousin of the guy at distribution or you're an exec' at Sony. Or not.
Or not, or not, or not - repeat 50 times.

Sony RM-50, image 1 Sony RM-50, image 2 Sony RM-50, image 3
Sony RM-50 specifications
Title Value
Cable length : 5 meters
Dimensions : 6,4 x 1,4 x 10cm
Weight : 22g with cable (but not the metal end plug)
Price list : 6000¥
page online since : october 2010
page updated : not yet
page type : LGT / KNB
page weight : 191.99 Kb / 0 b
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