Schneider CDP8000

1 9 8 4 1984

Those following what is happening on TVK will recognize here a rebadge of the unproduced Grundig CD35 (1983) and the produced but extra-rare Aiwa dX-1000 (1982/83).

Yes, the CD is placed upside down and the laser moves above the CD - Pioneer's Stable Platter wasn't all that new after all ;-)

Note the printed label (like a 45rpm vinyl) which is typical of early CD/DAD prototypes - maybe Schneider was a little behind in 1984 ?
The rest of Schneider's '84/85 lineup is extremely interesting (and quite futuristic, still today) but will make for another post, sometime, somewhere in another TVK section.,

I don't think the CDP8000 to have been effectively produced beside the one sample for the catalog - but would love to be proved wrong.

Thanks to Roman Schuetz, who is following what is happening on TVK, the CDP8000 was indeed effectively produced and sold for 1500DM in 1984.
Chances are that it was a small production run, perhaps even limited to Germany... any owners ?

Schneider CDP8000, image 1
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