Pioneer Exclusive F3

1 9 7 5 march 1975
1 9 8 0 1980

Unfortunately... there isn't much I can tell you about this extra-extra-extra rare big beautiful high-end FM tuner which still bore a 4-Channel Multiplex output in view of (potential) Dolby-FM broadcasts.

Pioneer advertised about it very little and it seems only one catalog displayed it well, if with little technical description until 1978.
I couldn't find any test or quick reviews in any of my japanese magazines either but managed to pull a summer 1976 japanese Stereo Sound ad that shows the complete inside of this rare FM machine.
The earliest ad I could find is dated may 1975, published in that rich but rare magazine named Audio - scan upcoming.

It just seems the Exclusive F3 shares the very same 7-gang varicap assembly with the also extra-rare, also Japan-only and also magnificent F-26 and to have been derived, like the latter, from the TX-9900 (1974).
The rest is... bigger !

Since we all have the same july 1978 catalog, you can find the basic technical description at Mr Nisi's, alongwith the specifications and better images which I haven't got (yet).

What's sad is that Japan has an FM band going from 76MHz to 91MHz so importing one is useless as one would only have 2 or 3MHz of use.
The best station here in France, content & sound-quality-wise, France Culture, would be out of reach at 93,5MHz :(

Pioneer Exclusive F3, image 1 Pioneer Exclusive F3, image 2 Pioneer Exclusive F3, image 3
page online since : march 2009
page updated : march 2010
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